
Welcome !





Welcome to our table where the local flavors of Flanders and the delights of international cuisine combine harmoniously. Our restaurant offers you a unique gastronomic experience, a meeting between the culinary tradition of our beautiful region and the daring exploration of dishes from elsewhere.

Discover creations that highlight the culinary treasures of Flanders, each dish telling a story of terroir and local know-how. Authentic recipes, concocted with passion, reveal the richness of our gastronomic heritage.

At the same time, immerse yourself in an international taste adventure, where flavors from around the world intertwine to offer a diverse and refined culinary experience. Our menu invites you on a true gastronomic world tour, with dishes inspired from the four corners of the planet.

At home, the diversity of dishes reflects our commitment to satisfying all desires, from lovers of regional cuisine to culinary explorers eager for discovery. Come and share a gourmet moment in our restaurant, where each bite is an invitation to travel, between local traditions and distant horizons.




Visit Lille